Now Launching my Demo Library via Patreon Ruth EasterbrookJanuary 17, 2022patreon, teaching, demoComment
Show Announcement: Gallery 224 at the Harvard Ceramics Program Ruth EasterbrookOctober 19, 2021Comment great resource for glazes and details on Line blends... Ruth EasterbrookMarch 27, 2021Comment
Me and a pothead from 2014, looking forward to making this next batch :) Ruth EasterbrookMarch 11, 2021Comment
Registration open for my Glaze Workshop through Sonoma Community Center! Ruth EasterbrookFebruary 23, 2021Comment
A history of my ceramics eduction through some of my pots 2007-2019 Ruth EasterbrookNovember 3, 2020 Comment
Save the Date... for the TO THE 44th ANNUAL PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART CRAFT SHOW Shows/exhibitsRuth EasterbrookOctober 19, 2020shows, craft fairs, new work, 2020Comment
I have arrived in Philly and I am getting settled in... Here are some images of my studio coming together.... Ruth EasterbrookOctober 18, 2020Comment
I am Thrilled to be included in the 2020 Strictly Functional Pottery National Ruth EasterbrookOctober 18, 2020shows, sale, juriedComment
I am honored to be part of this show: delecTABLE August 1-31st 2020 Ruth EasterbrookAugust 6, 2020Comment